This page will receive various texts connected with works appearing in my programs, and will of course change from time to time, according to needs.
Spanish vocal music (concert Fall 2020, with Clara Meloni)
Descuidado el ruyseñor (Cantata by Nebra)
The nightingale is surprised, as the flamboyant sphere disappears
It does not know Love ! and if it would, its voice would not trill any more
So, it keeps singing sadly…
Con qué la lavaré (Joaquin Rodrigo, 4 madrigals))
How will I wash the skin of my face, since I am punished !
Those who have been chosen wash with lemon water
And I, infortunate, have only worries and pains.
Vos me matasteis
You gave me Death, o maiden with long hair !
On the banks of a river, I saw a virgin so beautiful…
De donde venis, amore
Where do you come from, my love ? I do know very well
Where do you come from, my friend ? I have seen you ! Ah !
De los álamos vengo, madre
I’m coming from the poplars, mother, looking at the wind shaking their branches
I’m coming from the poplars of Seville, to see my sweet lover
At Jerez de la frontera (Joaquin Rodrigo, 3 canciones españolas)
At Jerez de la frontera, there was a honest miller
Who rented a mill to make a living
He was married to a girl, so beautiful that the new judge fell in love with her.
But the girl made fun of him, saying :
Señor, you are generous, and certainly a gentleman !
But I love my miller, and he is the one I chose.
Adela, a pretty girl, fell in love with a young man called Juan,
And she got sick, because she knew that he was courting Dolores, her best friend
As time went by, she got more and more sick,
Because she knew that this love was going to kill her.
Oh, little apple, why don’t you fall from your tree ?
For all my love, I was hoping to pick you
Look into my heart, you will see to scales of glass
On one desire climbs
On the other, tenderness is descending !
Canciones leonesas (Guy Bovet)
This piece is a commission of the society for the restoration of the historical organ in the cathedral of León, and the songs come from a collection of popular songs from the region. Songs and organ music follow each other without interruption.
Madre, cuando voy a leña
Mother, when I go for wood, I forget about it
There is a girl, living in the neighbourhood,
She makes me climb on the tree and cut a flower for her
And brin git to her balcony, and there I have another flower to pick…
To the Virgen del Camino
Your forehead is a large field on which my love walk around
Your eyes are two lights for the land and for the sea
They give me light as well, when I come to see the little children
And the forests with the green trees
You are tall and graceful
You are tall and graceful, like your mother
Blessed be the branch coming from the stem !
All through the night I think of you and I die from love
Black-haired and graceful !
This world is a fandango
This world is a fandango, amd people fight in it
The crazy ones work, the clever ones enjoy life
We are sons of work, and our dear father tells us bad words
Because we were born tired
Carabi, carabi, carabi, work, señor, has not been made for me
Hands and body will become worn out
I know a nice tale, and I live in this tale
I have never worked, and feel quite good about it
Si, señor, si señor !
With simple gifts
With simple presents, they come to worship, shepherds and country people
To worship the child from the Portal
They leave their herds and hurry with joyfulness
And the echo repeats their mystical songs.
Joseph and Mary
Joseph and Mary look for a place for the Messiah who is about to come
The night is so dark that one wouldn’t even see God
Come, o child, come on my heart, even simple, it is for you to rest
And I will give you shelter if you don’t find a house.